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Thank you for your interest in the Globe Network!
The Globe Network is a fraternity of mission-sending agencies. We are identified by our common brand, and bound together through our shared core values and policies, and our mutual goals. Our common vision is to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, through the witness of God’s people “from every nation to every nation.” Each individual agency sends their own people to the nations of the world – to serve human need, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, plant local churches, and empower national leadership. The Network collaborates to form new agencies in partnership with sending churches. The Network also shares in strategic work throughout the world. For more information about how to become involved in Great Commission partnerships with the Globe Network, please contact the agency nearest to you.
Thank you for your interest in the Globe Network!

The Globe Network is a fraternity of mission-sending agencies. We are identified by our common brand, and bound together through our shared core values and policies, and our mutual goals. Our common vision is to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, through the witness of God’s people “from every nation to every nation.” Each individual agency sends their own people to the nations of the world – to serve human need, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, plant local churches, and empower national leadership. The Network collaborates to form new agencies in partnership with sending churches. The Network also shares in strategic work through-out the world. For more information about how to become involved in Great Commission partnerships with the Globe Network, please contact the agency nearest to you.
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